The 52nd independent celebration for the Nigerian community

By Emma Berberi

Saturday 27/10/2012 was a very beautiful day. It was the day that the Nigerians celebrated their 52nd Independence Day. The event took place in a community centre in Moorabbin. It was a day to remember, a day full of colour. Everyone was beautifully attired in their African dress.

The event was well organised. Everyone was assigned a table that was beautifully decorated. The colours they used were green and white which are the colours of their flag. They had snacks on the tables and plenty of drinks. There were drinks provided all night.

The event started with a word of prayer from one of the Muslim clerics and a Christian pastor. After the prayers, there were the Australian and Nigerian national anthems.

The master of ceremony started the day by telling us a very interesting story about why the devil is very scared of Nigerians. One upon a time, the devil took an Englishman, an American man and a Nigerian man into a ship, he took them to the deep seas, once they were there; the devil informed them that they had to attain their freedom. And the only way out, was being witty and are able to outsmart the devil.

The Englishman was first. He took a coin and threw it in the water. The devil dived into the water and went and found the coin so he eats the Englishman. The American man was next; he took a pin and threw it into the water. The devil dived into the water and found the pin so he eats the American man.

Finally it was the Nigerian man’s turn; he got a cup of water and poured it into the sea, and the devil was outwitted because there was no way he was going to separate the water from the cup and the water from the sea. The Nigerian man was spared his life by the devil. And from that day hence forth, the devil is very scared of Nigerians.
Then came the speeches from some VIPs at the event. After that, everyone had to line up for dinner. After dinner there was the traditional dance which was performed by a group of young girls, then performances to entertain the guests.

The grand finale to the performances was the musician being described as the best male artist in Australia, none other than Timomatic. He was absolutely amazing everyone was on the dance floor dancing. He was very entertaining with his music.
After the performance from Timomatic, it was time to award the best dressed couple for the night. The award was taken by one of the couples who were beautifully dressed. They were wearing their traditional beads from head to toe. And they absolutely deserved to win.

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